How to Recharge MTN Card in 2025 [Full Guide]

How to load/Recharge MTN airtime/credit card in 2025: Recharging your MTN phone in Nigeria has become easier than ever in 2025, thanks to the advancements in technology and the innovative efforts of telecommunication companies.

How to Recharge MTN Card

In this article, we will outline the various ways you can recharge your MTN line in 2025.

MTN Nigeria, one of the largest telecommunication companies in the country, has provided several platforms for its customers to recharge their phones seamlessly.

As a customer, you can choose from a variety of options depending on your preference and convenience. 

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Before we guide you on how to recharge your MTN line, be aware that this blog post will address the following search intent:

  • How to load MTN recharge card directly for data
  • How to recharge MTN card
  • How to recharge MTN recharge card
  • How to load MTN recharge card
  • MTN recharge code
  • How many digits is mtn recharge card
  • How to load credit on MTN
  • ways to load MTN card
  • How to load MTN credit card

Let’s take a look at various ways you can recharge your MTN line. Remember that TECHSPIKE.COM.NG is here for you always!

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How to recharge MTN Recharge Card

mtn has provided several easy and quick ways to load your airtime depending on your preference and your convenience. Below is a list of available methods to load credit card on your MTN line:

  1. via MTN Mobile App
  2. Via MTN website 
  3. Via ATM
  4. Via quick teller
  5. Via share and sell
  6. Via USSD Code

How to recharge MTN Recharge Card via MTN Mobile App

MTN has a user-friendly mobile app that makes it easy for customers to purchase airtime, data, and other products. To recharge with the MTN mobile app, 

  1. You need to download it from your app store or Apple store {MyMTN app}
  2. register your details i.e. your phone number and otp
  3. Select the recharge option from the app menu. 
  4. Input the 16-digit PIN printed on your recharge card and submit. 
  5. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to Recharge MTN Credit Card via MTN Website

The MTN website provides a platform for customers to purchase airtime, data, and other products. To recharge through the MTN website, 

  1. visit 
  2. Log in to your account with your phone number 
  3. If you don’t have an account, create one 
  4. Select the recharge option. 
  5. Input the 16-digit PIN printed on your recharge card and submit. 
  6. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to load MTN Credit Card via ATM

Most ATMs in Nigeria have a recharge option that allows you to recharge your MTN line. To recharge through an ATM, 

  1. Insert your ATM card
  2. Select the quick teller option
  3. Select the recharge option
  4. Input the 16-digit PIN printed on your recharge card and submit
  5. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to load MTN Credit Card via Quickteller

Quickteller is an online platform that provides various services, including the purchase of airtime and data. 

  1. To recharge with Quickteller
  2. visit 
  3. and select the recharge option. 
  4. Input the 16-digit PIN printed on your recharge card and submit. 
  5. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to Recharge MTN Card via Bank Mobile App

Most banks in Nigeria have mobile apps that allow customers to purchase airtime, data, and other products. To recharge with a bank mobile app

  1. Download the app from your app store
  2. Register your details according to your bank
  3. Select the recharge option from the bank app menu
  4. Input the 16-digit PIN printed on your recharge card and submit
  5. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to load MTN Airtime via MTN Share and Sell

MTN Share and Sell is a service that allows customers to transfer airtime from one MTN line to another. To use this service, you need to create a PIN, which you will use to authorize any transaction.

To recharge your MTN line with MTN Share and Sell, ask someone to transfer airtime to your phone using your phone number and the PIN. Your phone will be credited instantly.

How to load MTN Recharge Card via USSD Code

One of the easiest and most popular ways to recharge your MTN line is through the use of USSD codes. All you have to do is dial *311*PIN# on your phone and press send.

The PIN represents the 16-digit recharge code printed on the back of your recharge card. After entering the PIN, press send, and your phone will be credited instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I load MTN recharge card in Nigeria?

Now that you are one of the more than 73 million subscribers of the network, the first thing you need to know is that to recharge your MTN card, dial *311*RechargeDigit#. MTN recharge digit is a 12-PIN. If it is, for instance, 123456789012, you will need to dial, *311*123456789012#, then send.

How can I load my MTN 10-digit recharge card?

That is, if you wish to recharge your MTN line then you’ll need to follow the procedures below:

  • Go to the Call App on your mobile phone.
  • Dial the new MTN recharge code *3551*Credit PIN#. For example; Dial *3551*2375345011#

How to recharge 10 digits MTN card?

*3551* is a new MTN Recharge PIN, it was previously *555*. The new *3551* has the feature of only having 10 digits for the PIN. In order to recharge, you dial *3551*followed by 10 digits on the Recharge card#.

What is the code to recharge MTN airtime?

*311*pin#. Simply dial *311*then the PIN on the recharge card#.

How Many digits is MTN Recharge Card? 

MTN recharge card digits are presently 17 digits PIN *(Personal Identification Number).


In conclusion, recharging your MTN line in Nigeria has become easier than ever in 2025. You can recharge through USSD codes, the MTN mobile app, the MTN website, ATMs, Quickteller, bank mobile apps, and MTN Share and Sell.

Choose the option that is most convenient for you and enjoy seamless recharge. 

If you have any questions regarding this post, simply leave us a comment below and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible!

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